Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association is dedicated to promoting wilderness medicine education, research, and practice in the Carolina region. Our mission is to equip healthcare professionals, outdoor enthusiasts, and the general public with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide medical care in remote and challenging environments. By offering high-quality training programs, organizing research initiatives, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals, we strive to enhance the safety and well-being of those who venture into the wilderness. Join us in our commitment to promoting excellence in wilderness medicine and ensuring the health of outdoor adventurers across the Carolinas.

A Visionary Approach: Dr. Hawkins’ Perspective

In the heart of the Carolinas, amidst the lush wilderness and vibrant outdoor community, an idea takes root. Dr. Eric Hawkins, a respected Emergency Room physician with a passion for the great outdoors, recognizes a need.

Dr. Hawkins, an avid adventurer himself, witnesses firsthand the challenges that arise when medical emergencies meet the wilderness. He sees the uncertainty in people’s eyes, the lack of knowledge that can turn a minor incident into a critical situation. He knows there has to be a better way. The seed of Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association is planted.

Dr. Hawkins envisions an organization that bridges the gap between medicine and outdoor exploration. He wants to create a community where outdoor enthusiast can learn vital skills, where medical professionals can apply their knowledge in new contexts, and where safety and health are never an afterthought in the face of adventure.

With this vision, the Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association comes to life. Driven by a mission to make wilderness exploration safer and healthier for everyone, the association begins offering certification courses that combine medical knowledge with practical survival skills. From basic wilderness first aid to advanced life support courses, the association provides the tools necessary for anyone to navigate nature confidently.

But the Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association is more than just an educational institution. It is a community. A place where people from all walks of life come together, united by their love for the outdoors and their dedication to preserving its beauty. A place where everyone has a role to play and everyone has something to learn.

The association values are clear from the start. They value health and safety above all else, but they also value knowledge, community, and the spirit of adventure. They believe in the transformative power of the outdoors and the importance of equipping people with the skills they need to enjoy it responsibly.

Today, the Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association continues to grow, driven by the same mission and values that Dr. Hawkins instills from the very beginning. It stands as a testament to the power of community, the importance of knowledge, and the enduring allure of the great outdoors.

Join us in our mission to make every adventure a safe and memorable one. Welcome to the Carolinas Wilderness Medical Association — your guide to a healthier wilderness adventure.